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Red Star

Red Star

The Red Star / Sexlink is a hybrid breed developed specifically for efficient egg production and easy sex identification at hatch. This makes them a popular choice for backyard poultry keepers and commercial farms alike. They are hardy, adaptable, and friendly, making them a well-rounded addition to any flock.


Key Features:

Red Sex Link hens have a rich reddish-brown plumage, often with lighter golden highlights, while roosters are typically white with some red tinting. This color difference at hatch makes it easy to distinguish males from females immediately. They have clean legs, a single comb, and bright red wattles and earlobes.

This breed is medium-sized, with hens typically weighing 5-6 lbs and roosters around 7-8 lbs. Their well-proportioned build makes them excellent for egg production while still being a good dual-purpose option.

Egg Production:
One of the best egg-laying breeds, Red Sex Links begin laying early, around 16-18 weeks old, and can produce up to 300-330 large brown eggs per year. Their consistent laying ability makes them a favorite among poultry keepers looking for a steady supply of fresh eggs.

Red Sex Links are docile, friendly, and easy to handle, making them a great choice for beginners, families, and small homesteads. They get along well with other chickens and adapt easily to different environments.

This breed is known for being hardy in both hot and cold climates, maintaining strong egg production year-round. They are disease-resistant, resilient, and thrive in a variety of living conditions, whether free-ranging or in confinement.



The Red Sex Link is an exceptional egg layer, known for its early maturity, high production, and friendly disposition. With their rich reddish-brown feathers, easy-to-sex characteristics, and adaptability, they are an ideal choice for anyone looking for a reliable and productive hen. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced poultry keeper, Red Sex Links will provide a dependable and rewarding poultry-keeping experience.


    Orders for local pickup in West Jordan must be picked up on the same day the order is placed. If you place an order after business hours, it will be ready for pickup on the next business day during store hours.

    When placing an order, please ensure you can pick it up that day. Orders not picked up will be considered abandoned and will not be refunded.

    There is no guarantee of mortality or morbidity once poultry leaves our store. Be sure to check your box of chicks before you leave. 


Quantity Discount 10+

© 2025 by Chase Hatchery, LLC

Customer Service Hours

Monday - Saturday

10:00AM-3:00PM MST

Closed Sunday

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